Pattern of genetic diversity among Fusarium wilt resistant castor germplasm accessions (Ricinus communis L.)

  • K. Anjani
Keywords: Castor, diversity, wilt resistance


Wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ricini (Wr) Gordon is one of the major yield losing diseases in castor. Cultivating wilt resistant cultivars is an effective strategy to control the disease. Utilization of diverse sources of stable resistance is a prerequisite for durable resistance breeding. The experiment was conducted to identify
genetically diverse resistant sources in castor germplasm. Genetic diversity among 20 identified wilt resistant germplasm was assessed using multivariate classificatory methods. Wide genetic diversity was demonstrated among these accessions. These accessions are valuable in wilt resistance breeding programme. They would
serve as base diverse material for wilt resistance breeding, wilt resistant genepool construction and molecular
tagging of resistant genes.
How to Cite
K. Anjani
Pattern of genetic diversity among Fusarium wilt resistant castor germplasm accessions Ricinus communis L.. 2010. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 1 2, 182-187. Retrieved from
Research Article