Combining ability and Gene action for seed yield and its components in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum) (L.) em. Thell]

  • M.K. Srivastava, Dhirendra Singh and Shweta Sharma
Keywords: Bread wheat, combining ability, gene action, seed yield


A line x tester analysis involving 12 females and 4 males was carried out for 12 component traits in bread wheat. The variances
due to specific combining ability (sca) were found to be considerably higher than that of general combining ability (gca) for all
the characters indicating greater importance of non-additive type of gene action thus, the heterosis breeding may be useful.
Variety WH542 and HD2285 was found to be good general combiners for most of the yield contributing traits like spike length,
1000 grain weight etc.and so the crosses involving these parents have fair chances to get better recombinants after judicious
selection. Crosses like PBW459 x RAJ 3777, K9006xUP2425and HD2285x UP2425 are important because they potentially
combine the most of the yield contributing traits`.
How to Cite
M.K. Srivastava, Dhirendra Singh and Shweta Sharma
Combining ability and Gene action for seed yield and its components in Bread Wheat Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell]. 2012. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 3 1, 606-611. Retrieved from
Research Article