A new variety of Indian Bean-2 for Saurashtra and Middle Gujarat
To boost-up Indian Bean production in the Gujarat state, a new high yielding Light green “Gujarat Junagadh Indian Bean-2”(GJIB-2) developed by Vegetable Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, which was evaluated under state and co-ordinated trials during 2004-05 to 2011-12 at various locations along with check variety Gujarat Papdi-1. On the basis of mean green pod yield data, GJIB-2 recorded the highest green pod yield of 112.46 q/ha as compared to check variety Gujarat Papdi-1 (89.56 q/ha), which was 25.57% higher. The pods of this culture are flat and medium long in shape with green colour. Flowers are white in colour. Regarding quality parameters; The Moisture (82.53%), Protein (4.69%), Acidity (2.26%), Total phenol mg/100g (32.64 mg/100g) and Total Soluble Sugar (2.23%) was more in fresh grain seeds of proposed culture as compared to check variety GP-1. The leaf spot disease intensity at Junagadh was 11.00% in GJIB-2 and it was less than the check variety GP-1 (13.19%). The leaf blight disease intensity was also less in culture GJIB-2 (11.52%) as compared to check variety GP-1 (13.40%). The mean data of Junagadh and Anand centers on pod borer damage indicated that, the pod borer damage was higher in proposed GJIB-2. It was 13.87% as compared to check variety GP-1 (11.68%). Number of mines per leaf at Junagadh was 3.36 in GJIB-2 and it was less than check variety GP-1 (4.52)

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