Combining ability and heterotic grouping of inbred lines for kernel yield in maize (Zea mays L.)

DOI: 10.37992/2023.1404.154

  • D. Keerthana, T. Haritha, I. Sudhir Kumar and D. Ramesh


Development and identification of suitable parents for hybridization is a vital step in hybrid production programmes. Success of hybrid breeding depend on how distantly the parents are related, which can be possible through crossing of parents belongs to different heterotic groups. So, the phenomenon of heterotic grouping and combining ability are imperative in maize breeding programmes. The present investigation was carried to identify lines with good general combining ability (GCA) and crosses with good specific combining ability (SCA). 44 testcrosses were generated by crossing 11 lines with 4 testers using L x T mating design. The testcrosses along with parents and 5 checks were evaluated for kernel yield and its attributing traits in simple lattice design. Analysis of variance for combining ability revealed that the parents vs hybrids exhibited significant difference for all the traits indicating the presence of variability in the genetic material. None of the lines exhibited significant GCA in desirable direction for kernel yield. The cross VL15869-14 x LM14 exhibited positive significant SCA effect for kernel yield. Heterotic grouping classified 5 inbred lines L1, L3, L4, L6 and L10 into heterotic group B and 1 inbred line L8 into heterotic group A. Remaining 5 inbred lines L2, L5, L7, L9 and L11 were not categorized into any heterotic groups.

Keywords: GCA, SCA, lines, testers, crosses

How to Cite
D. Keerthana, T. Haritha, I. Sudhir Kumar and D. Ramesh

Combining ability and heterotic grouping of inbred lines for kernel yield in maize Zea mays L.

. 2024. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 14 4, 1395-1404. Retrieved from
Research Article