Effect of induced mutagenesis in M1 and M2 generations of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.)

  • H. N. Patel, M. P. Patel, N. V. Soni, N. B. Patel,
  • A. M. Patel and N. I. Patel


Cumin is an important spice that has been used for centuries in various cuisines around the world. Two cumin varieties (GC 3 and GC 4) were subjected to mutation to understand macromutational modifications. Ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) @ 0.6% and gamma rays (190 Gy) significantly reduced germination and plant survival percentage as compared to 0.2% EMS and 130 Gy. Physical mutagens showed higher plant suravival than chemical mutagens. However, chemical mutagen treated plants showed more sterility than physical mutagens. Chlorophyll mutations were confined to rare albinos and small number of xanthas in the M2 generation. Morphological changes viz., miniature, loosly branched and thick stem were effective with seed treatment of 0.4% EMS for GC 3 and with 0.6% EMS for GC 4. The estimates of mutagenic efficiency varied with 0.6% EMS and 160 Gy for GC 3, while it varied with 0.6% EMS and 190 Gy for GC 4.

Keywords: Mutation, cumin, EMS, gamma rays Gy, M1 generation.

How to Cite
H. N. Patel, M. P. Patel, N. V. Soni, N. B. Patel, A. M. Patel and N. I. Patel

Effect of induced mutagenesis in M1 and M2 generations of cumin Cuminum cyminum L.

. 2023. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 14 2, 687-694. Retrieved from https://www.ejplantbreeding.org/index.php/EJPB/article/view/4617
Research Article