Correlation Coefficient and Path Coefficient Analysis for Yield Components in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

  • C. A. Babariya and K. L. Dobariya
Keywords: Character association, Path analysis, Groundnut.


The study was undertaken to estimate correlation coefficients and direct and indirect effects by path analysis for pod yield per plant and its components by using 100 genotypes of Spanish bunch groundnut. The pod yield per plant was significantly and positively correlated with days to maturity, plant height, number of pods per plant, kernel yield per plant, number of mature pods per plant, 100-kernel weight, biological yield per plant and harvest index. Biological yield per plant and harvest index exhibited high and positive direct effects on pod yield per plant. Whereas, kernel yield per plant, number of pods per plant and days to maturity showed moderate and positive direct effects on pod yield per plant. Thus, these characters were identified as the most important yield components and due emphasis should be placed on these characters while selecting for high yielding genotypes in Spanish bunch groundnut.
How to Cite
C. A. Babariya and K. L. Dobariya
Correlation Coefficient and Path Coefficient Analysis for Yield Components in Groundnut Arachis hypogaea L.. 2012. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 3 3, 932-938. Retrieved from
Research Note