Mutagenic efficiency and effectiveness of gamma rays and EMS and their combination in inducing chlorophyll mutations in M2 generation of Urdbean (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper)

  • K.S. Usharani and C.R. Ananda Kumar
Keywords: Blackgram, Efficiency, effectiveness, gamma rays, EMS, chlorophyll mutations


The usefulness of any mutagenic agent depends on its ability to induce high frequency of desirable changes as compared to undesirable ones. Hence, often it is necessary to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of mutagens for efficient and effective use. Though some studies have been carried out in blackgram, studies involving gamma rays and Ethyl Methane Sulphonate (EMS) are scanty. The present investigation was undertaken in a blackgram variety VBN 4 to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of physical and chemical mutagen viz., gamma ray and EMS respectively in single and combination dose/concentration. The mutagenic efficiency was found to be highest, at lower and intermediate concentration of mutagenic treatments. Based on lethality, injury and sterility, EMS was more efficient than gamma rays and combination of both in producing chlorophyll mutants. The effectiveness of chlorophyll mutants was high in gamma rays treatment than EMS.
How to Cite
K.S. Usharani and C.R. Ananda Kumar
Mutagenic efficiency and effectiveness of gamma rays and EMS and their combination in inducing chlorophyll mutations in M2 generation of Urdbean Vigna mungo L. Hepper. 2015. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 6 1, 210-217. Retrieved from
Research Note