Genotype x Environment interaction and stability analysis for seed yield and sex attributing traits in castor (Ricinus communis L.)

  • Jasavantlal Manilal Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University
Keywords: Stability analysis, G x E interaction and Sex expression


Present study was conducted to assess the existence of genotype x environmental (GXE) interactions and stabilities for sex related traits in castor using sixteen genotypes under three artificially created environments over three locations in kharif 2012. Pooled Analysis of variance over three environments revealed the genotypic variances were highly significant for all the sex related characters which indicates considerable genetic variability in the population. Stability parameters for sex expression revealed that for per cent pistillate whorls on primary raceme the genotypes VP 1, JP 65, SKP 84 and JI 35 were found better under poor environments. The female parents VP 1, JP 65 and SKP 84 showed stable and consistence performance in all order of spikes whereas, the male parent 48-1 had above average response and high stability in better environments for per cent pistillate whorls on secondary raceme only. Thus, parental lines VP 1, JP 65, SKP 84 and JI 35 may be utilized in hybrid breeding programme to exploit their consistent performance for sex expression in all order of spike.

Author Biography

Jasavantlal Manilal, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University
Genetics and plant breeding
How to Cite
Jasavantlal Manilal
Genotype x Environment interaction and stability analysis for seed yield and sex attributing traits in castor Ricinus communis L.. 2016. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 6 4, 996-1003. Retrieved from
Research Article