Generation mean analysis of grain yield and its related traits in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

  • . R. S. Raikwar
Keywords: Barley, gene effects, generation mean analysis, quantitative trait, recurrent selection


Generation mean analysis was performed using three crosses namely DL 88 x K 560, K 603 x Azad, RD 2552 x NDB 1020 to study the nature and magnitude of gene effects for yield and its component characters in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). The F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 of these crosses along with P1 and P2 were studied for six morphological traits. Additive x additive (i) epistatic effect was more important and higher than the dominance x dominance (l) epistatic effect in the inheritance of no. of effective tillers/plant in DL88 x K560, length of main spike and grain yield/plant in RD 2552 x NDB1020. The length of main spike, weight of grains/main spike, 1000-grain weight and grain yield/plant were significantly higher in RD 2552 x NDB 1020.Thus, these characters were mainly under the control of dominance x dominance (l) type of epistasis. Therefore, selection for these characters would be fruitful, if delayed till dominance and epistasis effects are reduced to minimum. The additive × additive (i) type gene interaction and duplicate epistasis also seen in this trait suggest the possibilities of obtaining transgressive segregants in later generations. The study revealed the importance of both additive and non-additive types of gene interaction for all the traits studied.
How to Cite
. R. S. Raikwar
Generation mean analysis of grain yield and its related traits in barley Hordeum vulgare L.. 2015. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 6 1, 37-42. Retrieved from
Research Article